I received this in an email from Dexter who has been sending interesting information to me. This is an 18 minute long video in which the speaker, a physician, relays her recovery from disabling multiple sclerosis (MS) to walking without a cane within three months and riding her bike eighteen miles within 9 months. Prior to changing her diet she had taken advantage of the best medical care available but continued to deteriorate.
Like Alzheimer's, MS is a disease that involves defective mitochondria, so this diet would be very helpful to those suffering from Alzheimer's (and Parkinson's and ALS) as well.
We have already made a lot of progress toward this type of diet, but after watching this, we will amp up our intake of vegetables.
Labels: als, Alzheimer's, hunter gatherer diet, Lou Gehrig's, mitochondria, mitochondrial dysfunction, multiple sclerosis, paleo diet, parkinson's
Great post. I came across your blog while I was reading articles about Alzheimer’s caregiver resources, I'm definitely happy I did because this was very informative. Thank you for sharing this with us!
Kate Dunkin, At
October 30, 2012 at 10:50 AM
Unknown, At
November 28, 2012 at 1:48 AM
If it is that: "Like Alzheimer's, MS is a disease that involves defective mitochondria" then energy production may be at the heart of these diseases. Since the metabolization of fructose can create an actual energy deficit in the mitochondria, might fructose be a cause? See: "Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Richard Johnson About The Fat Switch": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3W2zSN0JOa8 , which addresses fructose causing an energy deficit.
Roger B
Roger B, At
December 27, 2012 at 3:10 AM
Like Alzheimer's, MS is a disease that involves defective mitochondria, health benefits of green coffee extract so this diet would be very helpful to those suffering from Alzheimer's (and Parkinson's and ALS) as well.
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