GPS Shoes, Ketone Meter and Coconut Milk Orange Soda
There is a new at home glucose and ketone meter by Abbott called Precision Xtra. The meter costs less than $20, but the test strips for ketones run $51 for ten strips; glucose strips are much less expensive. Might be useful for someone who wants to see what their ketone response. I suggest checking the level either 90 minutes after MCT oil or about 3 hours after taking coconut oil or the mixture of MCT and coconut oil which should tell you what your peak level is. This woudl also be very helpful for someone on a ketogenic diet. I found the meter and test strips on
Dr. VanItallie suggested that I give Steve diet orange soda since it contains potassium citrate which could help prevent kidney stones in someone who is prone to them. We usually stay away from these types of drinks but Steve does have a history of stones in the past, so we decided to try this. We soon found that coconut milk tastes very, very good with the orange soda. The best way to mix it is to put the coconut milk in first then carefully pour in the soda - it can froth over easily if you pour it too fast! This could be a great way to get some coconut oil (by way of coconut milk) into someone who doesn't care for the oil.
Labels: alzheimers, GPS shoes, ketone levels, ketones
How would the GPS Shoes work. Would they locate someone? My husband uses the GPS in the car to drive and recently passed the test allowing him to still drive, even though he has Mixed Dementia. He punches "Go Home" and the GPS lets him remember where he is going also. He has been driving with it for about a year.
Carol Noren Johnson, At
October 21, 2010 at 7:43 PM
Hi Mary,
This is Nurse Dina from . We are currently working on preparing an article on coconut oil as a therapy for Alzheimer's. Your work has been both fascinating, rich in information and very helpful.
In your blog post dated Jan. 13, 2010 you mention MCT powder and that you were going to buy some and try it out.
I just wanted to know if you actually tried it out and if you have anything positive or negative to share about your experience with it. We will be sure to attribute any information you supply us with to you and provide a link to your website and blog.
You may also contact me by posting on my forum at Ask Nurse Dina on or I can check back on your blog as well.
Thank you,
Unknown, At
October 24, 2010 at 4:24 AM
Hi Nurse Dina!
I have been giving my husband coconut oil for over a year and the neurologist said that he should not be dressing himself, but he does. Furthermore he passed a driving test for Alzheimer's patients this month and is keeping his driver's license.
Carol Noren Johnson, At
October 24, 2010 at 5:38 AM
dear mary,
i wondered if it were the citrate form of potassium in the Big Orange or if the phosphate form as in electrolyte mixtures would do the trick. PureCaps makes such a mix and i use it regularly mixed with CardioCocktail, cherry juice (for arthritis) and pomegranite juice, sweetened with Truvia or agave. If it is before exercise, i add plenty of cornstarch to stabilize blood sugar and mix the whole thing with SoDelicious coconut milk which I find is better than what i was using before as it has plenty of oil in it.
we have started back on the coconut oil since my husband had a bad reaction to a treatment which left him with an energy deficit. i think he has already begun improving but we still have the 'exercise intolerance'. i still can't seem to get a doc to test for a glycogen storage disease. marjie
Anonymous, At
October 24, 2010 at 2:27 PM
i think i saw potassium citrate (??) used as a preservative in walgreen's prunes
Anonymous, At
October 24, 2010 at 11:17 PM
Mary - I love your solution of using coconut milk in orange soda - does it need to be diet/?
I personally avoid artificial sweeteners - could you use a Tbsp of orange juice concentrate in sparkling water?? Or other high potassium foods?? I make pumpkin smoothies with coconut milk this time of year - they're a high potassium food, as are prunes! (3 prunes provide 1/3 the daily requirement of antioxidents!) My mom always soaked hers overnight - would be another great smoothie addition :)
I'm reminded of a friend whose little boy was sick, & her doc suggested soda pop - she asked if she could mix sparkling water with juice - well, yes, ... & we grumbled over the automatic 'give them pop!' (we were both in la Leche League, & she studied nutrition)
On another note - my daughter's best friend was prone to kidney stones before going gluten free (she was through menopause by mid thirties, & am ND sug. looking into gluten sensitivity/ going gluten free - didn't stop the menopause, but her general health has improved) - & since the shift away from gluten, she no longer forms the stones!!
She used to have to try to drink more than a gallon of water daily & really watch other things, & STILL had stones, but the gluten sensitivity apparently caused the stone formation! comments that when doctors ask her why she wants their 80+ year old patient to try going gluten free, she tells them USUALLY their confusion lessens, & they can recognize their friends - plus issues of incontinence often clear up - 'so if they can go out of the house without depends, & WANT TO see their friends ...' why not at least TRY IT??
Thanks for the good work - & great to see other organizations are recognizing your contributions!
Nadya, At
October 25, 2010 at 9:25 AM
ps - one of the links between gluten sensitivity & stone formation is the resulting poor fat & mineral (esp ca & mag) metabolism! I was already taking Vitamin D (live in the NW) & Magnesium before going gluten free, so lost weight (20# over the last year, am 60 & now about 5# over my HS weight) - my daughter & I also use Pure encapsulations :)
Nadya, At
October 25, 2010 at 9:30 AM
I have a few more tips for those of you who would like to have your loved one get more cocnut milk in their diet without drinking it straight: I find it helps to add it to things like oatmeal in place of water and in cereal (you can do half cow milk and half coconut milk if the taste is too different to tolerate at first). Every little bit will help.
Anonymous, At
November 1, 2010 at 7:33 PM
Fructose metabolism in the liver results in an increase in uric acid levels, which can lead to gout. If your husband's stones are composed primarily of urate, then you may want to eliminate fructose-containing foods like sugar and high fructose corn syrup from his diet.
Jet, At
November 3, 2010 at 10:03 PM
Hi I am new at this and need help lots of help . My husband has sematic dementia, he is 58 years old and we found out about 10 months ago. I would like to know if coconut oil is good for him. He has high choleterol and is on 40Mg liptor pills. Dr can you please let me know if this would be good for him to take. My email is thanks so much
Anna, At
November 6, 2010 at 12:16 PM
Hi everyone,
I haven't been on this board in a long time, have been busy with a lot of research.
My husband seems to be improving with the coconut oil mixture. He takes 5 TBSP/day. I needed to find something in addition to the oil because he lost a lot of weight he is a small man so I have adjusted the amount to 4 TBSP of oil and 1250 mg of citicoline.
Citicoline has shown remarkable improvement with AD. Also heavy metal exposure is indicated in AD etc... Detoxifing is very important.
Clear your home environment of toxic chemicals, Your food should be organic, pay attention to your cookware. Personal hygene products are full of toxic chemicals.
Amalgam fillings leach out mercury on an ongoing basis. Install a whole house water filter, you'll be amazed how good your skin and hair will feel.
If you want to get well you will have to do it all. I am adding some links so you can do the research yourself.
i'm not advertising this product in fact we use a less expensive citicoline, I just want you to have this information.
Here is a book on "Beating Alzheimer's" by Tom Warren, he and several other people have reversed their AD.
Super Bio Curcumin is another product we use. The body will heal itself if you give it the right nourishment and eliminate toxic overload.
I hope this information is helpful.
Unknown, At
November 22, 2010 at 8:31 AM
Hi again,
I forgot to mention that my husband and I also had some allergy testing done, turns out that both of us are allergic to a number of foods.
I was always wondering why an occasional piece of dark organic chocolate would give him severe brain fog. Although he is not allergic to sugar it is a no no for people with AD. Some say that AD is type 3 Diabetes.
Looks like I gave you a whole lot of information, just take your time and study it in depth, I don't mean to overwhelm anyone
Unknown, At
November 22, 2010 at 8:41 AM
Do you have proof for your husband? How was he originally diagnoised. Is he still working? How long have you beaten Alzheimer's. Can you blog about this?
Carol Noren Johnson, At
November 22, 2010 at 11:20 AM
Hi Carol,
My husband was diagnosed earlier this year. He is 70 years young and retired. In regards to having proof, I have proof every day that he is doing better.
I only recently got a lot of additional information regarding AD symptoms and we are trying to incorporate a lot of them.
Carol have you gone to the websites and read the information that I posted yesterday?
Glad to hear your husband passed his driving test.
Unknown, At
November 23, 2010 at 6:50 AM
Hi, first time blogger here. My best friend lives alone and has moderate (I think)AD. I started him on straight coco oil in March 2010, 2 Tbls morning and night. He does not cook and eats out or microwave dinners or casseroles that others provide. So, I have him take the coco straight, with some splenda and cinnamon mixed in for flavor. Initially,he showed improvement in his thinking and communicatiing, but seemed to have built up an immunity. We have steadily increased to 3-4 Tbls 2x/day (I started mixing in the MCT Oil - 1/3 portion). He is sick of eating the oil and often won't finish it (I can't blame him). He also seems to have digressed over the last 3 months in many areas and had to quit driving. I believe the coco oil works, it's just keeping up with the dose and getting him to take it is getting harder and harder. Will coconut milk work instead of the oil? How much do I give him?
Also, what is the Citicoline (pill or powder?) and where does one get it?
It seems that I need to be doing more for him than just the coco oil, and there seems to be a variety of additional supplements that I should be adding to his diet, but I don't know where to start.
KT, At
November 27, 2010 at 8:38 PM
OH, I did see the blog on toxins and will definitely check it out!
KT, At
November 27, 2010 at 8:40 PM
Hi KT,
I responded to your last post to answer some of your questions, but it looks like it was deleted. I just don't have the time to do it all over again.
It is sad that the important information was deleted it could have been of help to you and others on the forum.
Unknown, At
December 16, 2010 at 5:01 AM
hi Dr Newport just found your site again! Very interesting progress for your husband...I researched coconut oil several years ago when my husband had severe leg infection and it appeared to help. I had also come across an article by a young man who as a dying wish visited the Amazon...he had been diagnosed with Aids he observed the natives eating lost of cocounuts and began to do the same...that was in the late 90's and he did not expect to survive when I read about him he was doing very well and that was 2007...why i bring this up reading the blogs and herpes common cold sores mentioned but as Aids is a disease similar to herpes other folks suffering with Aids may find some help using the coconut oil diet too. Thanks for your blog it is very informative and helpful and happy to hear your husband doing well. A Spring Hill neighbor
Unknown, At
February 22, 2011 at 10:14 AM
I have seen much about coconut milk and curcumin lowering the incidence of Alzheimer's in India and the Phillipines.
Alzheimer's is rare for people in the Phillipines, so too for Indians. Since the life expectation for Phillilinos is 67, this would be expected? (I looked on the internet). I guess that India would have a similar life expectation.
It would be very good if they both did work and I will try them both whatever.
Unknown, At
March 22, 2011 at 5:54 AM
I have been using coconut oil for almost two years I think with my Alzheimer's husband. Recently I started also cooking with turmeric in our food. Since our crash we have been going to a chiropractor who recomments CoQ10 and Robonucleic Acid and so my husband has also been taking that. It all helps slooooooow down the process.
Carol Noren Johnson, At
March 22, 2011 at 12:45 PM
Hi All,
I have read most of this blog and comments, and am distressed to see people recommending "diet" soda and Splenda to make coconut oil more palatable...
Please do the research on MSG and Aspartame.
These are insidious poisons which both cross the blood brain barrier and cause many of the diseases which Mary has noted in this blog:
On Aspartame truth:
On MSG truth (and other "flavor enhancers" in processed foods):
I know that it's nearly impossible at this time to find any chewing gum that DOESN'T contain aspartame for my son. That's telling...
Research aspartame and MSG (under it's myriad of names, added to ALL processed foods), then remove these poisons from your diet, to discover how well you can really feel, and what is REALLY causing diseases in the 1st world which don't exist in other places where people don't consume processed foods and aspartame...
Good luck.
Thanks to Dr. Mary: I watched the video on You Tube, researching ways to assist a couple of friends who suffer from AD, and it was helpful!
Every little bit helps.
Anonymous, At
April 11, 2011 at 11:27 AM
I suggest checking the level either 90 minutes after MCT oil or about 3 hours after taking coconut oil or the mixture of MCT and coconut oil LOL Elo Boost
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I wondered if it were the citrate form of potassium in the Big Orange or if the phosphate form, as in electrolyte mixtures, would do the trick. PureCaps makes such a mix, and I use it regularly, mixed with CardioCocktail, cherry juice (for arthritis), and pomegranate juice, sweetened with Truvia or agave. If it's before exercise, I add plenty of cornstarch to stabilize blood sugar and mix the whole thing with SoDelicious coconut milk, which I find is better than what I was using before, as it has plenty of oil in it.
We have started back on the coconut oil since my husband had a bad reaction to a treatment, which left him with an energy deficit. I think he has already begun improving, but we still have the 'exercise intolerance'. I still can't seem to get a doc to test for a glycogen storage disease.
Best, Marjie
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