I wonder if they will ever do a fMRI on people using MCT or coconut oil. They recently in a small study of healthy people, showed how fructose blocks satiety in the brain after consuming a fructose beverage, they said this makes a person think they still are hungry. They did fMRI on people that consumed a regular sugar sweetened beverage and they showed the appetite part of the brain receiving stimulation consistent with reduction of appetite. The people reported less appetite also. This is consistent with animal studies and the fructose effects on animal dietary intake.
My point is, that it would be great to show ketones lighting up the brain compared to carbohydrates. It would be interesting to prove how ketones nourish the brains of patients with various forms of dementia as apposed to glucose. While working with dementia patients I observed lots of pacing and nervous behaviors. Maybe there is a physiological panic signal coming from starving neurons, their behaviors may not all be from a conscious disorientation or uncertainty, but more like a person experiencing crashing blood sugar, but of course it doesn't read that way unless they are a diabetic?
This is amazing news. I am caregiver to my mother who has advanced stages of alzheimers so I don't expect too much but already I can tell a difference in her over all response to me. I am 52 and will begin my daily intake asap. I am assuming it is good to begin now. Thanks Dr. Newport
Because actually we were quite surprised by is that women with the highest level of perceived stress have till Amir’s that are shorter on average by the equivalent but at least one decade of additional aging the two women 30 years old if you look at the teal Amir’s the one who is more chronically stressed .
شركة تنظيف شركة ركن المثالية تهتم بخدمات التنظيف بشكل عام فى اى مكان فالتنظيف من الخدمات المطلوبة لاستكمال الحياة والتخلص من الكثير من الضغوط والتوتر والتخلص من اى مشكلة تتعرض انتشار الطاقة السلبية فى المكان ، يمكن في أول أن نقسيم تنظيف يومي أو أسبوعي أوشهري أونصف سنوي أو سنوي. شركة تنظيف مجالس بالرياض فتح الشبابك الغرف ليتجدد الهواء ودخول الشمس وتطهر من الجراثيم والبكتريا التي لاتراي إلا بالعين المجرده ، بعد ذلك تنظيف السجاد بالمكنسه الكهربائية ورفعه ، وتلميع المريا حتي تكون لأمعه ... شركة تنظيف كنب بالرياض وتنظيف الاريكه من الأترابة جيد ،يمكنا تحضير نصف كوب من الخل الأبيض علي نصف كوب من الماء الفاتر واختلاطهم مع بعض ،ثم بلي قطعة من القماش الناعمة في الخلايط وأفركي بها الكنب من أعلي إلي أسفل لأزالة بقع الغبار والعفن ونتركها حتي تجف تماماً ، وبعد ذلك بقطعة من القماش مبللة تم مسحها ،وثم بعد ذلك مسحها بقماش جافة . شركة تنظيف فلل بالرياض
و بتلميع الأشياء الصغير التي تعرض للمس المتكرر مثل أزرار النور و التليفون و الريموت كونترول يجب تظيفها جيد لآنها تتجمع عليه البكتيريا بكثرة وعاده ما تنسي أثناء التنظيف. تنظيف الحوائط من الأتربة والعنكبوت ومسح التحف والأكسسوارات والتلفزيون والكماليات بقماش نظيفه من التراب اولا ، ثم مسح مرة تانية بقماش بها مطهر لقتل الجراثيم . شركة تنظيف كنب بالرياض والعناية جيد بالمواسير الحوض وصيانتها و حتي لاتتسرب منها المياه وتصبح رائحة الحمام غير مستحب ، والعنايه أيضا بخرطوم الغسالة حتي يتسرب منه المياه ، وتهوية الحمام جيد والعنايه بفوط الحمام وتكون نظيفة ومعقمه ورائحة مستحبة، والعمل علي تجميل المرحاض والحمام بضع بعض الزهور وفواحة للتطيب ، ويجب تنظيف المرحاض يوميا حتي لاتتراكم الجراثيم شركة دهانات وديكورات بالرياض وغسيل الأوني الطعام أول بأول لاترك في الحوض حتى لاتكون عرضه للأنتشار الحشرات ، وغسل الرخام المطبخ أو سطح المطبخ بنصف ليمونه حتي يزيل الدهون وأثر العفن وثم مسحها جيد بالقماش ،مسح الشفاط المطبخ من أثر الدهون والأترابه المتراكمه عليه وحتي يمكن اسخدمه مرة أخرى لتنقيه الهواء شركة تنظيف واجهات زجاج بالرياض ،و العناية بالثلاجة جيد التي يحفظ بها الأطمعة بتخلص بأي شئ عفن سواء خضروات أو فواكهة أو أطمعة لا مستحبه ، وغسلها جيد بالمطهروالمياه ومسحها جيد من المياه وتركها تجف،و بذلك المطبخ يكون جيد ورايحة ذكية. شركة تنظيف واجهات حجر بالرياض زيت الافندر يمكن وضع قليل منه للمكنسة الكهربائية الرائحة الجملية سوف تعم المكان . لتلميع الزجاج يستخدم الخل بورق الجرائد وقليل من الخل ، ويمكن تنظيف الحمام بقليل من عصير الليمون ويضاف الى الماء فينظف ويطهر ويلمع ومع اضافة الخل تكون النتيجة مبهرة ، والخل الأبيض فى تنظيف الرخام والأرضية .
Herpes Finally Gone, thanks to Dr. Utu for his Herbal Treatment. I had a sudden onset of cold sores and a new one was appearing each day. I was on primary immunosuppressant I noticed my body just can't fight the virus on its own. After five days of treatment and no success I suspected herpes I went for test and it was confirmed. God was my strength I met a doctor for treatment. He gave me Dr Utu's contact. I contacted him immediately, This medication was far amazing that within 24-48 hrs the blisters were crusting over. The swelling and redness was decreasing as well. I was on four weeks herpes medication which I completed before going for test. I went for herpes test and then again back to my doctor who confirmed me herpes negative it was really like a dream. What a relief! Feel Free to contact Dr Utu Email:- drutuherbalcure@gmail.com OR WhatsApp :- +2347032718477
Mary T. Newport, M.D. grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio, attended Xavier University and University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. She trained in Pediatrics at Children’s Hospital Medical Center in Cincinnati, and in neonatology at Medical University Hospital in Charleston, SC. She practiced full-time neonatology in Florida for 30 years and was founding medical director for two newborn intensive care units in the Tampa Bay area. She then provided home visits to hospice patients. She speaks worldwide. Dr. Newport was married to Steve Newport for 43 years. Steve lost his battle with Alzheimer's in January 2016. They have 2 daughters, and a grandson. In 2008 ,she wrote an article, “What If There Was a Cure for Alzheimer’s Disease and No One Knew?” relaying her research into a dietary intervention that produces mild ketosis that may benefit persons with Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases. Her books: "Alzheimer's Disease: What If There Was a Cure? The Story of Ketones" (2011; 2nd edition April 2013). "The Coconut Oil and Low Carb Diet for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Other Diseases," (Sept 2015). Her books are all available on Amazon. See www.coconutketones.com.
Hi Dr. Newport,
I wonder if they will ever do a fMRI on people using MCT or coconut oil. They recently in a small study of healthy people, showed how fructose blocks satiety in the brain after consuming a fructose beverage, they said this makes a person think they still are hungry. They did fMRI on people that consumed a regular sugar sweetened beverage and they showed the appetite part of the brain receiving stimulation consistent with reduction of appetite. The people reported less appetite also. This is consistent with animal studies and the fructose effects on animal dietary intake.
My point is, that it would be great to show ketones lighting up the brain compared to carbohydrates. It would be interesting to prove how ketones nourish the brains of patients with various forms of dementia as apposed to glucose. While working with dementia patients I observed lots of pacing and nervous behaviors. Maybe there is a physiological panic signal coming from starving neurons, their behaviors may not all be from a conscious disorientation or uncertainty, but more like a person experiencing crashing blood sugar, but of course it doesn't read that way unless they are a diabetic?
So glad your husband is doing well.
Thank you,
Joanne P. RN
Anonymous, At
January 2, 2013 at 9:34 PM
I think the broadcast will be at 3 pm on the Trinity network in the Tampa, Florida Area. Looking forward to seeing this.
Carol Noren Johnson, At
January 4, 2013 at 10:18 AM
This is amazing news. I am caregiver to my mother who has advanced stages of alzheimers so I don't expect too much but already I can tell a difference in her over all response to me. I am 52 and will begin my daily intake asap. I am assuming it is good to begin now. Thanks Dr. Newport
Anonymous, At
March 7, 2013 at 6:48 AM
Because actually we were quite surprised by is that women with the highest level of perceived stress have till Amir’s that are shorter on average by the equivalent but at least one decade of additional aging the two women 30 years old if you look at the teal Amir’s the one who is more chronically stressed .
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لتلميع الزجاج يستخدم الخل بورق الجرائد وقليل من الخل ، ويمكن تنظيف الحمام بقليل من عصير الليمون ويضاف الى الماء فينظف ويطهر ويلمع ومع اضافة الخل تكون النتيجة مبهرة ، والخل الأبيض فى تنظيف الرخام والأرضية .
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Herpes Finally Gone, thanks to Dr. Utu for his Herbal Treatment.
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This comment has been removed by the author.
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