The 700 Club - Upcoming Shows on Coconut Oil, Ketogenic Diets and Diseases
The first story will feature Dr. Vince Tedone, a retired orthopedic surgeon, and his daughter Deanna in Tampa, Florida, USA who have developed what he calls "The Deanna Protocol" for ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease). His daughter, Deanna, who is in her mid thirties has responded well (improvement and then minimal deterioration over a year) to taking an over the counter supplement called alpha-ketoglutyrate, 18 to 20 grams per day. They are also massaging her with coconut oil and she is taking some coconut oil at present. Alpha-ketoglutyrate is several metabolic steps down the pathway in the Kreb's cycle from where ketones enter the cycle. Another man with ALS who has responded very well is also featured in this story. Dr. Tedone has a website where more information can be found about The Deanna Protocol.
The second story will feature Dr. Dominic D'Agostino, a researcher at University of South Florida in Tampa who is working with Dr. Tom Seyfried of Boston College to study the use of ketogenic diets, ketone esters alone and in combination with hyperbaric oxygen, and other substances that lower blood sugar to treat cancers (he also is involved with studies of ketones and Alzheimer's, ALS, wound healing, oxygen toxicity and epilepsy). The concept here is that nearly all cancers require glucose, or the amino acid glutamine to make glucose, to survive and cannot use ketones, however normal cells can use ketones. Potentially, if a person undertakes a strict ketogenic diet and calories are also restricted to reduce the blood sugar as much as possible, the tumor will shrink over a matter of weeks and metastases may outright die, while the brain and other normal tissues survive. A large tumor, therefore, could become smaller and more amenable to surgery. This dietary approach can be used in conjunction with other treatments and can be enhanced by starting with a period of fasting (water is still consumed to avoid dehydration, and other supplements can be taken to ensure adwquate electrolytes, minerals and vitamins, for example, are provided). They have had considerable success with animals and some people have now tested this strategy with success. Hopefully, more organized studies will follow quickly.
The third story will be a follow-up to our story on coconut oil and Alzheimer's that aired on The 700 Club on January 5, 2012. This story will feature Butch Machlan, a man with familial ALS (Lou Gehrig's) who has been stable for three years taking 9 tablespoons per day of coconut oil and magnesium chloride, and will also feature a man from Connecticut with Parkinson's who has had considerable improvement since shortly after the first story aired, taking a mixture of coconut oil and MCT oil (new product coming out Fuel for Thought from
I am thrilled that Lorie Johnson and the Reverend Pat Robertson of The 700 Club have picked up the gauntlet to help spread this important message about ketones.
When I have specific dates for the second and third stories, I will add them to this post.
Labels: alpha ketoglutyrate, als, Alzheimer's, cancer, coconut oil, ketogenic diet, ketones, Lou Gehrig's, MCT oil, parkinson's, The 700 Club
Dr. Mary,
Do you have any idea when Fuel for Thought will be ready to be shipped? I have been waiting and watching for over a year now. They keep saying "by this date" and then when the date comes, they give another, again further out.
Thanks and thanks for all you do.
Anonymous, At
November 27, 2012 at 8:49 PM
I am told they will start shipping any day now. I am not privy to what the glitches have been, but they are trying to get it right from the beginning. Hang in there!
Dr. Mary Newport, At
November 29, 2012 at 8:34 AM
Axona is a medical food containing caprylic triglyceride, a formulation of MCTs, currently available by prescription. See website: for a 2009 research report.
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I had a sudden onset of cold sores and a new one was appearing each day. I was on primary immunosuppressant I noticed my body just can't fight the virus on its own. After five days of treatment and no success I suspected herpes I went for test and it was confirmed. God was my strength I met a doctor for treatment. He gave me Dr Utu's contact. I contacted him immediately, This medication was far amazing that within 24-48 hrs the blisters were crusting over. The swelling and redness was decreasing as well. I was on four weeks herpes medication which I completed before going for test. I went for herpes test and then again back to my doctor who confirmed me herpes negative it was really like a dream. What a relief! Feel Free to contact Dr Utu Email:- OR WhatsApp :- +2347032718477
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September 19, 2019 at 10:58 AM
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January 11, 2020 at 3:37 PM
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January 12, 2020 at 6:53 PM
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1- It provides the most skilled technicians trained to work in this field, and on various surfaces, according to their size and size.
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January 12, 2020 at 6:53 PM
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1- The work team of Hala Foam Insulation Company in Riyadh is distinguished as one of the most skilled workers trained in the field of insulation, and he has high experience in this.
2- It was not satisfied with this matter, but there is a group of engineers who follow up the isolation process and are known to have done well.
3- Also used materials that are cheap and at the same time high quality.
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January 12, 2020 at 6:54 PM
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This is what you do not know about the method of isolating the surfaces in foam, Hala Foam Insulation Company in Riyadh provides the cheapest price for foam meters in Riyadh, and it also chooses the most appropriate according to the nature of each building, as well as the appropriate methods for all places, according to the desire of each customer.
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September 13, 2022 at 7:32 AM
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Saba, At
December 29, 2022 at 2:50 AM
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Interior Designers Chennai, At
December 30, 2022 at 2:54 AM
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