Coconut Oil, Ketones and Alzheimer's

Friday, February 4, 2011

ALS and Coconut Oil - A one year experience

I was very pleased to receive this email from a person with ALS who wanted to share his experience with coconut oil of more than a year duration. This person gave me permission to post about this so that it may benefit others:

"ALS started in early 2007, and officially diagnosed with FALS September 2008.

My age is 62. I started taking 4 tablespoons of coconut oil daily on November 4th, 2009. I increased it to 6 tablespoons on December 4th, 2009, and increase that to 8 tablespoons per day the first of January, 2010. I have also been taking 3 ounces (2 shot glasses) of a magnesium/water solution each day, which I started on Sept. 15th, 2009, which was before I found information about coconut oil and ketones. Following are the details of my current and previous status before taking coconut oil.

A. Current symptoms:
1. Weakness in my right leg, primarily in the gluteus maximus and related muscles affecting the knee.
2. Slight twitching in upper right leg and buttocks.
3. Excessive pain in leg knee. But, this is due to the increased workload caused by the weakness in the right one. In my younger days both knees were injured by some accidents, since then both have given me problems.
4. Poor circulation in my right leg and foot at least during these months
5. With my toes on the floor I cannot raise the rear of the right foot and leg upward.

B. Current physical limitations:
1. Walking without pain and the use of two canes.
2. Unable to pivot the right foot as far outward as with the left.
3. When sitting, am unable to raise my right upper leg up off the chair as much as the left
4. When laying face down on my stomach and my legs outstretched, am unable to bend my right knee to raise my foot upwards.

C. Changes since taking coconut oil:
1. Have normal feelings back in my right leg much like the left one.
2. Have increased muscles strength and size in the upper right leg. Also the muscles in the left leg have increased in size and strength.
3. If I place my right foot flat on the floor I can now raise my toes and the front of my foot upward. I can now tap my right foot to the music
4. When sitting I can now pull my right foot and calf backwards.
5. When sitting, am able to raise my right leg upward.
6. There is reduced bruising in my right ankle.
7. I can pivot my right foot inward and outward.
8. I can stand on my right leg a little more because it has more strength.
9. I can roll over in bed with a minimum of difficulty.
10. I can push downward with my right leg.
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D. Before taking coconut oil: (Nov. 4, 2009)
1. Difficulty walking due to weakness in my right leg.
2. My right leg felt asleep and non-responsive when walking or trying to move it
3. The muscles in the upper right leg had reduced in size to the point I could reach upward on the underside of my leg and easily feel the leg bones.
4. I had “drop-foot,” and could not pivot my right foot side to side nor raise it at all.
5. When sitting I could not raise my right leg off the chair.
6. My right ankle was very purple and bruised
7. I had extreme difficulty rolling over in bed because my right leg would not move on its own.
8. I could not push downward with my right leg at all.
9. Had very thick saliva at night.
10. Muscle vibrations in the left leg, some in the upper right arm.

In conclusion:
So far I have only experienced improvements taking the coconut oil and magnesium chloride solution. I plan to continue with both, and track my progress monthly with more detail just in case it could be of value to someone later."

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